If you are behind in credit card, auto or mortgage payments, and the phone never stops ringing, or you are afraid what will be in today’s mail, I offer a free consultation about bankruptcy.
I’ll give your case my personal attention and take the time to analyze your income and debts. I’ll recommend which chapter of bankruptcy might provide debt relief. I can help you consider the pros and cons of filing for bankruptcy and explain the process that will unfold if you choose to proceed.
My hours are flexible, and I will find time to meet with you in my office in Cherry Hill. Call me today 609-304-1976.
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Contact Howard Kanowitz Today.
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Contact Information
Phone: 609-304-1976
Address: 2090 Route 70 East, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
Hours of Operation: | |
Mon-Fri | 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM |
Sat-Sun | Closed |
Weekends by Appointment Only |
Office Location